Learn How to Build Your Very Own Swimming Pool with ICFs!
Training and installation manuals, step-by-step instructions,
and advice from ICF professionals, all for free
ICFs are easy to use and so is learning how to build. BuildBlock Building Systems has created several helpful resources to assist with your construction.
BuildBlock Building Systems offers a completely free, online training courses for learning how to build with ICFs. Visit training.buildblock.com or click the link below.
BuildBlock installation manuals are available for download in PDF form.4>

Downloadable Manuals and Guides
ICF Installation, Engineering, and Best Practices for Pool Construction

BuildBlock ICF Pool Construction Manual
The BuildBlock ICF Swimming Pool Construction Manual provides a guide to the construction of your ICF swimming pool. This new document covers the ICF pool building process from start to finish. ICFs swimming pools are not only faster to build, but the insulating foam prevents more than 80% of the heat loss of the pool. Not only are ICF pools less expensive than gunite pools, they’re much cheaper to heat your pool increasing the length of the pool season and delivering superior results for the lifetime of your pool.
Pool Installation Manual
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BuildBlock ICF Pool Engineering Manual
The BuildBlock ICF Swimming Pool Engineering Manual is intended to provide prescriptive requirements for the design of BuildBlock Building Systems ICF In-Ground and Above Ground reinforced concrete Swimming Pools. It provides the wall, footing, and reinforcement designs for building above ground and in-ground ICF pools, cisterns, and water basins. This guide provides recommended designs for a variety of soil and seismic conditions. Visit BuildBlock.com for more technical details.
Pool Engineering Manual
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BuildCrete Pool Plaster Best Practices Guide
The BuildCrete Pool Plaster is a synthetic pool plaster recommended by BuildBlock. Designed to be 100% waterproof it uses an embedded 11oz. fiberglass mesh to deliver 3500psi of strength when finished. The pool plaster crystalizes as it cures. These crystals grow into the ICF foam face and add an additional mechanical attachment. BuildCrete Pool Plaster doesn’t support the growth of mold or mildew and has a much longer lifespan than traditional plasters. It can be used as a base for tile and is easily applied.
BuildCrete Best Practices
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Watch the How to Build a BuildBlock ICF Swimming Pool Webinar
Learn from BuildBlock ICF professionals as they discuss basic ICF pool construction, installation tips and tricks, and answer viewer questions. Registration is completely free!